Violet Parsons’ elders told her the mythical Dreamtime story relating to Gulaga, Najanuka and Baranguba. See above [Violet Parsons 6.4.2006].
According to Merv Penrith, Najanuka [Little Dromedary Mt] is a sacred mountain. Merv himself has never been up the mountain; he has shown respect for the mountain by staying away from it. Merv was always told not to go there. He recalls other boys sneaking up onto the mountain to collect bird’s eggs; they would get a hiding when they returned to Wallaga Lake. Shirley Foster remembers the whitest eagle having a nest up there. It ranged between Gulaga and Najanuka, nesting at Najanuka [Merv Penrith and Shirley Foster 11.4.2006].
Najanuka is associated with the ‘finch men’, as described by Percy Mumbler and Jeff Tungiay. During the last century men would collect pigeon eggs from the mountain [Anne Thomas and Michael Darcey: Chris Griffiths 16.3.2006].
Valerie Andy has hunted in the Najanuka area [Valerie Andy 20.12.2005].
Harriett has not been to the top of Najanuka as she was too scared. She has however collected raspberries and Lilli Pillis from the lower slopes of the mountain. People collected birds from nests located in the sides of the mountains [Harriett Walker 11.4.2006].
Uncle Gundy took Beryl Brierley’s sisters and brother to Najanuka when they reached a certain age. They saw an 8-coiled carpet snake. Beryl was too young to go with them [Beryl Brierley 19.12.2005].
Excerpt from "Stories About the Eurobodalla by Aboriginal People", 2006. Story Contributed by Martin Ind from Moruya High School.